The project you are about to add to your cart has been derived from the “Design and Carve Series – 1A Wildlife Scenes Disk” previously available from Vector Art 3D. If you already own that disk then we recommend that you should not purchase this project or any of the Wildlife Scenes products as the original disk already contains the majority of this content.
The reeds and cat tails blow slowly in the breeze and the sound of the water lapping up against the dead log seems to be all that is happening in the marsh on this cool morning. From behind the reeds a pair of ruddy ducks break the surface of the water. Two more mallards come in, from what seems to be out of nowhere, for a soft landing on the water. All of a sudden the scene comes to life with the sounds of ducks quacking while they float peacefully across the water seemingly carrying on a conversation with each other.
Nature has a way of sneaking up on you when you least expect it and now you can create your own marsh scene to add to your next project. Maybe a new duck themed panel to hang in the cottage is something you have been looking for. This could be the right time to replace the cupboard doors in your cabin or make a new front door to greet weekend guests, setting the mood for the perfect long weekend to be shared with nature!
We created this short video to help get you started with this project. Click the link or image above to view on YouTube.
This project is part of the Wildlife Scenes Collection that includes all 5 Wildlife Scenes projects. On this page you are able to purchase this individual one for $50.00, before you purchase one or two though you might want to know that if all 5 are purchased at one time you save $50 on the total purchase price and pay only $200.
This discount is only available with purchases of all five projects made from our Wildlife Scenes Collection page and cannot be retroactively applied after buying the individual projects.
We are in the process of launching a
new Design and Make shopping experience. Please click the button below to view this project in our new Project Shop.
Hack this Project!
This "Fireplace Mantel" layout was made using the models from this and other projects in the Wildlife Scenes Collection.
The Duck Panel project contains the following models and project sheet.
To get you started on your next project we have included 2 assembled layouts.
Project Sheet - Click to enlarge.
Food for thought.
Ideas for other combinations of this project.
In case you need...
The vector outlines for all of the models in this project you can download them from this link:
In case you wanted to know...
Font used in the renderings is called -
- Academia SSK
Font used in the Project Sheet for this project is called -
- Academia SSK
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This project was created to keep you quack'n like a duck!