Enjoying the view of the lake from the cottage deck, watching the kids jump off the wharf with your favorite beverage by your side. It doesn't get any better than the cottage life! All you need now is to personalize the 'ol cabin with a custom sign.

By popular demand, we've taken this summer's most memorable lake side cottage characters and modeled them just for you in order to accessorize your (or your neighbor's) cottage sign.  So get ready to use this mini-project more then once or twice.  Its sure to be a main staple of the Weekend CNC Warriors mini-project collection!      

We have designed a few interesting  features into this mini-project that will make it even easier to use and re-use.  These features include:
- Cottage Sign No.1 was modeled to accept almost any relief model so you can create an endless list of different cottage themed signs.
The cottage Sign has a flat surface so it will except v-carved text.  Great for making them ahead of time and then adding the family name later.

Go to your happy place over the winter months and fire up the CNC machine to start carving your unique cottage sign so that it's primed, painted and ready to hang come summer time!

Don't forget to Email us a picture of your finished work and become an official Weekend CNC Warrior!

We are in the process of launching a
new Design and Make shopping experience.  Please click the button below to view this project in our new Project Shop.

Hack this Project!

The Lucky Loon Lodge sign was created using 4 different projects:

The font we used to simulate the v-carving is called Sakkal Majalla.

WOW... that's a hack!

The Loonie Cottage Sign project contains the following models and project sheet.


To get you started on your next weekend project we have included this assembled layout.

Food for thought.
Ideas for other combinations of thisproject.

In case you need...

The vector outlines for all of the models in this project you can download them from this link:

DXF - Outlines

In case you wanted to know...

The font used in the renderings is  called -

  • MisterEarl BT

The font used on the Project Sheet is called -

  • Sorry... we forget.



Thanks Weekend CNC Warriors for these project images!

Thanks Ray Webster for this great image!!!!

Thanks Rénald Delisle for sending in this great pic of his finished sign!

Share an image of a finished project that uses one of our models and get it posted here! WOW!!!! 

Email us! 

This CNCminiProject was inspired by cottage life and memories of the haunting sound of the loon!