The smell of mouth watering fresh baked bread, the sight of a herb garden or a fresh chalked menu board listing the specials of the day are all signs of good food someplace close. If you're lucky that place just might be your very own kitchen.
We have designed a few neat features into this mini-project that will make it even easier to use and re-use. These features include:
- Retro sign accepts v-carving or even the addition of raised text.
- Retro sign has a flat bottomed dished center so it will accept almost any model and will also let you get the most "Z" depth out of the added model.
- The fabric border can be tiled seamlessly to fit any length.
Put down that mixer and get out to the shop and start cooking up your next Weekend CNC Warrior project... on second thought its never good to work on an empty stomach... right ?!
Don't forget to Email us a picture of your finished work and become an official Weekend CNC Warrior!
We are in the process of launching a
new Design and Make shopping experience. Please click the button below to view this project in our new Project Shop.
Hack this project!
The bakery sign above is made using the models from 3 projects:
- Ribbon - Grill Master No.1
- Round Sign - Mother's Garden No.1
- Chef's Head - Chef's Kitchen No.2
The font used to simulate the v-carving is called Palatino Linotype.
WOW... that's a hack!
The Chef's Kitchen No.2 project contains the following models and project sheet.
To get you started on your next weekend project we have included this assembled layout.
Project Sheet
Food for thought.
Ideas for other combinations of this project.
In case you need...
The vector outlines for all of the models in this project you can download them from this link:
In case you wanted to know...
Font used in the renderings is called -
- Candara
- Palatino Linotype
Font used in the Project Sheet for this project is called -
- Candara
Thanks Weekend CNC Warriors for these project images!
Share an image of a finished project that uses one of our models and get it posted here! WOW!!!!
This CNCminiProject was created to put the fresh into your culinary masterpieces!