"Fishing is not an escape from life,
but often a deeper immersion into it."
- Harry Middleton
Fishing, for some, is a passion and an activity they would rather be doing then almost anything else. They say that fly fishing is more than just a sport but time to reflect on life and enjoy nature at it's best. If this sounds familiar to you, then we are sure you'll appreciate this project.
This set of models is perfect for creating a sign for a fishing lodge, retirement gift or even catch and release tournament prize plaque. There is a good chance if you're a fly fisherman then you know a fly tyer that could use a new sign for their business or a display plaque to show off their best work. Don't forget about the guides at you local fishing lodge, a gift for them might just earn you a bit of time at their best-kept secret fishing hole!
We have designed a few neat features into this project that will make it even easier to use and reuse, these include:
- Fishing hat has been modeled so that it can easily overlap the fishing basket to easily create a great layout.
- Plaque has a flat bottomed dished center so it will accept almost any model and will also let you get the most "Z" depth out of the added model, this area can also easily be VCarved onto.
- The plaque also has a small oval dished area at the bottom that can accept VCarving, the fishing fly model or even mount a real fishing fly in it to make an interesting display!
Lets hope that this project has not just inspired you to go fishing but also got you thinking about a great CNC project that just might net you the best fishing story ever!
We are in the process of launching a
new Design and Make shopping experience. Please click the button below to view this project in our new Project Shop.
Hack this Project!
This fishing themed "Welcome" plaque layout was created using models from the following projects:
- Plaque, Reel, Fishing Fly - Gone Fishing No.1
- Water - Shipyard No.2
- Jumping Bass - Included with the free clipart if you purchase VCarve Pro V8, Desktop or Aspire (look in the clipart folder in the Clipart Tab). If not it can be purchased from VectorArt3D.com
WOW... that's a hack worth making!
The Gone Fishing No.1 project contains the following models and project sheet.
To get you started on your next weekend project we have included this assembled layout.
Project Sheet - Click to enlarge.
Food for thought.
Ideas for other combinations of this project.
In case you need...
The vector outlines for all of the models in this project you can download them from this link:
In case you wanted to know...
Font used in the renderings is called -
- Book Antiqua
Font used in the Project Sheet for this project is called -
- Palatino Linotype
Get yourself noticed... you know you deserve it!
Post your finished project in the Vectric User Forum under Vector Art 3D / Design and Make It - Gallery or Email us an image of a project you made that uses one of our projects and a short description (try to include software used, the CNC ,finishing process and a social link... don't forget your name).
When it gets posted we will be sure to let you know!!!!
Get this project now! Be sure to select the right link below for use in your specific software.
Thanks Don Harding... Nice layout!
Share an image of a finished project that uses one of our models and get it posted here! WOW!!!!
This project was created so the fishing stories can live on (no matter how true they are)!