"In All Things Give Thanks"
Thanksgiving is traditionally a serious time to give thanks for family, friends and spend time with loved ones. This project's combination of stylized and more realistic models creates a nice balance so you can honor family traditions and have a bit of fun too. Dress up the turkey in a pilgrim's hat and use him to help point guests in the direction of the food or use the Assembled Layout to create a nice wall decoration for the special event. How about a thankyou gift for the Thanksgiving dinner host or hostess?
We have designed a few neat features into this project that will make it even easier to use and reuse. These features include:
- Plate that accepts v-carving or even the addition of raised text.
- The plate has a flat bottomed dished center so it will accept almost any model and will also let you get the most "Z" depth out of the added model.
- Rim of the plate will easily accept VCarving projected onto the surface.
- Pilgrim's hat fits easily onto the turkey's head.
- Leaves have slightly raised sections so tilting and fading them together to make a wreath is much easier and the result looks more realistic.
Let's take some time out to be thankful for the things we have: Family, friends, food, your CNC and yummy PIE!!!!
We are in the process of launching a
new Design and Make shopping experience. Please click the button below to view this project in our new Project Shop.
Hack this Project!
The "It's Time to Wine Down" wine coaster was made using the models from the following projects:
- Leaf No.1 - Thanksgiving No.1
- Wine Bottle Coaster No.3 and Recess - Wine Bar No.2
- Leaf No.2 and No.3 - Thanksgiving No.2
WOW... that's a hack worth making!
The Thanksgiving No.2 project contains the following models and project sheet.
To get you started on your next weekend project we have included this assembled layout.
Project Sheet - Click to enlarge.
Food for thought.
Ideas for other combinations of this project.
In case you need...
The vector outlines for all of the models in this project you can download them from this link:
In case you wanted to know...
Font used in the renderings is called -
- Monotype Corsiva, Candara, CreaChancerySSK
Font used in the Project Sheet for this project is called -
- Georgia
Get yourself noticed... you know you deserve it!
Post your finished project in the Vectric User Forum under Vector Art 3D / Design and Make It - Gallery or Email us an image of a project you made that uses one of our projects and a short description (try to include software used, the CNC ,finishing process and a social link... don't forget your name).
When it gets posted we will be sure to let you know!!!!
Thanks James Patton for sending in this pic... fresh off the CNC!
Share an image of a finished project that uses one of our models and get it posted here! WOW!!!!
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