Jim Coats - "Weekend CNC Warrior" Approved!

Jim is a long time customer of ours and we had the opportunity to meet in person at the 2014 Vectric User Group meeting in Orlando.  It was a great opportunity to chat about his set up and what he planned to do once he retired.  

Since then Jim sure has been busy in his shop making all sorts of great projects including this beauty. 

Jim hacked together this sign using models from 3 of our projects.

Jim mentioned this about the font he used:

"The “Welcome” font is “Westerne” (yes with the e at the end of western) and the rest is in “Rustler”."


"The finish is with Folk Art Home Decor Chalk paint, then distressed with their Antique wax and a coat of clear wax buffed to finish. They were purchased from Joann’s fabric and crafts.

I designed it in Aspire 4.5 and machined it with a 1/8" ball nose bit on a ShopBot Buddy.

The standard place to “Check Your Guns” is at the door; however in our neck of the woods, we also want the hats off while inside. So checking both after entry to the bar was logical. ;) "

Weeken CNC Warrior Approved.png

Our hats are off to you Jim for sharing this great project with us and taking the time to write up all of the descriptions to illustrate how you made it happen!

Consider yourself...  Weekend CNC Warrior Approved!

Be safe and let the chips fly!

The CNCminiProjects Team

Jevon and a great Coat of Arms hack!

If you are a regular visitor to our site you are sure to have seen the name Jevon.  We can't say enough about this guys work and how awesome it is to be apart of his projects.

Jevon sent us in this great picture of a finished project he made hacking together a few of our coat of arms models and some models he had in his own personal library.  

The flourishes and top ribbon he used are all from our Family Coat of Arms No.1 project.  Interesting how he merged them together to make a more complex flourish.

The bottom ribbon came from the Pick-Up League Basketball project.  Looks like he stretched and squished it to make it work. Nice!

The helmet looks like it came from VA3D.com(another part of the Vectric family).  Some great painting and custom modeling to finish out a very nice project.

Nice work Jevon and that is why you have earned the "Weekend CNC Warrior" title!  If you’re interested in more of what Jevon has done with our projects then check out these links...

Finished size was 23.5" x 36" model thikness was 1" w/o the rivets.

Thanks again Jevon for sharing your work with us... we really appreciate it!

Be safe and let the chips fly!

The CNCminiProjects Team

Hack of the Week No.27

The great thing about our mini-projects is that you can mix and match the models or add in your own.

Our weekly mini-project hack uses models from 2 or more mini-projects.


This weeks hack was inspired by a piece Suzanne Ramsay (one of our Weekend CNC Warriors) made with our Home for the Holidays No.2 mini-project.  

Suzanne hacked this one together using the Home for the Holidays No.2 mini-project and a model from her library. 

Our candle holder layout was created using models from these mini-projects:

The font we used to simulate the v-carving on the sign is called:

  • Century

Pretty amazing what you can hack together with our mini-projects!   Thanks again Suzanne for the inspiration!

Be safe and let the chips fly!

The CNCminiProjects Team