Love is in the air!

With the arrival of summer you can bet there will be a lot of couples planning for their "special" day.  If you are part of the planning committee it just might be the right time to sort out any special decorations you might need.  

Wedding Paque

Don Harding just finished this lovely wedding gift for  his Grandson. He used models for the Be Mine No.1 and No.2 projects to create this layout.

"10 x 19 x 1 cherry wood . 9 Hours"

What a final project that will surely be cherished for years to come. 

Don's layout could have been easily used as a wedding sign to be hung over a guestbook or to welcome guest as they arrive.

If you are attending the wedding as a guest that day will arrive, you know the day, when you have to sort out what to get the couple for a gift.  Now if you have been married for a few years it's always a good idea to have an anniversary gift ready to go, just in case you are a bit foggy on the date.



James Patton sent in these next two lovely, almost finished, and finished projects.  This first one could easily be used for an anniversary gift, wedding plaque or gift.

"The hearts from Be Mine No.2. Haven’t quite figured out the finish I want on the second one, but the lettering was done in the 18kt gold plate..."

That gold leaf sure looks nice.  What a great touch! 


Happily, Ever, After

"And I thought I loved you then... 21 years later more than ever!"


"Here’s a piece carved from the Be Mine No.2 project. Made it for our anniversary ( only been married a year, but been together for Stole the wording from your site. It was carved in red oak...then stained cabernet, some light coats of semi gloss and then hit the outer edges of the heart with some gold rub n buff. Lettering was stained with ebony..About 8" diameter..."

What a great gift and it turned out wonderfully!

Tim Babb, from The Woodworking Maniak, created this lovely box for Valentine's Day for his wife. 

Valentine's Day box

 It's a great project and seeing as he has a YouTube channel you can see exactly how he made it.

Tim used the Be Mine No.2 project to create his layout and finished box.

Keep in mind this easily could have been a ring box for a wedding or a wedding gift with just a quick change of the v-carving on the top.

Thank you Don, James and Tim for sharing these great projects!

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Military Memorials by James Patton

If you have been keeping up with our Newsletters and Shop Notes post you will be familiar with the name James Patton.  James has been a steady contributor of finished pieces and his work is scattered all over We always love to see what he has been upto and can't wait to share it with all of you.

Over the last week or so James has been very busy working with the Lest We Forget No.1 CNC priject, models from his collection of Design and Make projects and clipart he purchased from  

Army Veteran Plaque 

The first project we would like to highlight is a wonderful hack he made and finished using models from two of our CNC Projects:

"Here’s one I carved out of oak to hang on my wall..Using Lest We Forget No.1 and the ribbon from Nursery Fun No.1."

His layout is a great variation on the project specific hack we created for the Lest We Forget No.1 Project.

Project specific hack for the Lest We Forget No.1 project.

This next hack realy shows off his great eye for choosing models that fit together very naturally.    

Some Gave All - Honor The Fallen - 2nd try and his finished layout. 

Some Gave All - Honor The Fallen - Perfect save!

The first of these 2 layouts was James's second go at it.  This is what he had to say about his first try...

"I loaded the wrong toolpath so I had to change the model up after the roughing."

"The models include Lest We Forget No.1. The cross from the western scenes (collection). Rocks from the wildlife (scenes) collection and the flag I purchased from VectorArt3D. Wish it had turned out better, but changing it mid stream was the best I could do."

James is pretty hard on himself seeing as we thought his first attempt looked just perfect!. Nice save James!

Open book with Lest We Forget's Assembled Layout

His last hack is a wonderful layout and with his choice of models and quote it realy hits home.

"the open book (came from V-Carve's included free clipart) and (uses) the assembly from Lest We Forget No.1"

Another perfect hack... and we love that James used a free model to create such a great layout.

"Thanks for everything you do, couldn’t have done it without your excellent models to begin with."

Thank you James for sharing these amazing tributes to those that are serving and those that we have lost.

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VectorArt3D is a great source of single models to hack into your layouts and it's also a Vectric Company!

Models can be purchased from VectorArt3D as Vectric .V3Ms and work perfectly in VCarve Desktop, VCarve Pro V8 and Aspire.

Marinan Brewer's Graduation Plaque!

With the end of the school year soon approaching we thought it would be the perfect time to post this finished project hack from Marinan Brewer.

"Machine is Laguna Swift CNC ROUTER 4X8.  Software is V CARVE PRO comes with machine!"

"Needless to say - I used your Projects for all the items carved! Worked great"

Marinan used the Graduation Day No.1 and the Rose Tile No.1 project to hack together this layout.

What a great plaque for a wonderful achievement.  We're sure Emily loved it!

Thank you Marinan for sharing this special projects with us!

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