Customer Focus - Love Potion Bottle by Don Harding

One of our regular contributors of finished projects, Don Harding, came up with this very simple project that we thought should be shared seeing as Valentine's Day is just a week away!  


This is such a great use of the wine bottle that comes with the Wine Bar No.1 project.  Don took the model, squished it then pulled it to make this great little bottle that could certainly hold a special love potion.

Change up the V-Carving and this could also be used at Halloween to hold your spooky potion or as a placecard holder at a wedding.  Lots of options and ideas!

This got us to thinking.

"Maybe we should create a short and quick video to show you how we think he did it." 

Check it out!

If you are looking for a special project for Valentine's Day, wedding or anniversary we have one that just might be what you are looking for.  

All 6 models in the project

Assembled Layout

Project Hack

One Possible Layout

Of you want to take a closer look at the Be Mine No.1 CNC Project click the link below!

I want to spread some LOVE!  Take me to the project!

Thanks again Don for sharing your work with us!

Larry Breaux is at it again!

It's always great to see more from our customers that have previously had an official "Customer Focus" or "Weekend CNC Warrior" post.  This is Larry's second Shop Notes post and this one really shows off his skills at creating a nice layout and his finishing work!

This is his new family crest!!!

"Let's Ride No.1 carved in maple with black cherry stain as an Xmas gift for my parents. Came out GREAT! Thank you for the great quality models."

We agree, it does look great!  

Thanks again Larry for sharing your work with us!

Ronald Moorehead - Customer Focus

If you are new to your CNC and Design and Make CNC Projects it may sometimes seems overwhelming when it comes to creating your very first custom layout.  We knew that and that's why we have included into every project an already assembled layout.   These layouts have come about while we tested the models and how they would interact with each other.  Normally, with just a bit of V-Carving, they can be customized and in just a few minutes you can have a project ready for your machine.

"I just wanted to share my carving of Mother's Garden No 2 with you. I made the small one first and did not like the way it tuned out with no detail in the humming bird so I made a large one to show the detail. Finished with Bronze Sculpt Nouveau."

"The large one is 11" square and the small one is 6" square.
I used Aspire version 4.5 and machined in on my ShopBot PRS."

It would be unfair to overlook these layouts if you are an experienced user.  As Ronald shows they can be very handy and turn out quite nice!  Ronald used the assembled layout for the project and add a bit of V-Carving and turned it into a great gift! It is hard to not notice the amazing finish on the pieces.  Nice job Ronald!

Thanks again Ronald for taking the time to share these finished projects with us!